All he’s doing is SAYING that he takes responsibility; And there you have it, ladies and gents–Taking Responsibility Lite!

All he’s doing is SAYING that he takes responsibility; And there you have it, ladies and gents–Taking Responsibility Lite! “Um–I hate to break it to him (and his therapist), but he HASN’T accepted responsibility. As far as *I* know (and hey, who knows–maybe he’s been communing with the spirit of Webster, and has gotten sanctioned changes that us mere mortals …

10 customer care e-mail recommendations: Checklist & Examples for Better, Faster Support Management

10 customer care e-mail recommendations: Checklist & Examples for Better, Faster Support Management Forward better, faster customer care e-mails with your 10 guidelines. Plus, obtain a checklist with genuine examples to help you. 7 Min read · 1506 stocks Whenever you manage a apparently unlimited quantity of customer support email messages, it is an easy task to lose sight …